Place Egå, 56.2106994N 10.20345653E

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Basic information
Name Egå
Latitude (N) 56.2106994
Longitude (E) 10.20345653
Topographical index 2048
Geographically identical places Lystrup
Egå bro
Egå Århus
Egå ved Århus
Lystrup ved Århus

Story, informant, and place data
Stories mentioning this place DS_02_B_00147

Stories told here by informants Story: DS_03_0_02150 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: DS_04_0_01107 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: DS_04_0_01386 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: DS_05_0_00693 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: DS_05_0_00851 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: DS_05_0_00947 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: DS_05_0_01822 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: DS_07_0_00101 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: DS_07_0_00121 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: DS_07_0_00265 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: DS_07_0_00380 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: DS_07_0_00960 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: DS_07_0_01463 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: DSnr_02_H_00107 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: DSnr_02_H_00366 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: DSnr_06_0_00092 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_01_0_01307 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_02_0_00090 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_03_0_01741 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_04_0_00072 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_04_0_00098 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_04_0_00102 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_04_0_00158 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_04_0_00159 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_04_0_00227 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_04_0_00228 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_04_0_00237 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_05_0_00322 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_05_0_00357 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_06_0_00062 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_06_0_00145 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_06_0_00185 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_06_0_00231 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_06_0_00236 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_06_0_00272 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_06_0_00346 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_06_0_00394 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_06_0_00399 Informant: J P Kornerup
Story: JAT_06_0_01037 Informant: J P Kornerup

PHP error happened

Technical information
Error type2
Error descriptionUndefined array key "linkdata"
Error file/srv/www/html/dfl2db/templates_c/%%56^56D^56DAE87F%%place_view.htm.php
Error line82
SQL querySELECT place_id, name, lat, lon, topo_index, county_id, physical_place_id, concat(lat, 'N') as latitude, concat(lon, 'E') as longitude FROM geo_places WHERE 1=1 AND geo_places.place_id="251"