Place Kjærbølling, 55.70244629N 9.383190816E

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Basic information
Name Kjærbølling
Latitude (N) 55.70244629
Longitude (E) 9.383190816
Topographical index 2323
Geographically identical places Balle
Balle mark
Vingsted mølle
Balle Bræsten Vejle
Bræsten Vejle
Bræsten ved Vejle
Bræsten Vejle

Story, informant, and place data
Stories mentioning this place DS_05_0_01405

Stories told here by informants Story: DSnr_02_G_00110 Informant: Pedersens H
Story: DSnr_02_H_00480 Informant: Pedersens H
Story: DSnr_06_0_00704 Informant: Pedersens H
Story: DSnr_01_0_00227 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_01_0_00512 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_01_0_00513 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_01_0_00793 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_02_B_00152 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_02_H_00083 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_02_H_00243 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_02_H_00253 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_02_H_00254 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_02_J_00352 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_03_0_00460 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_03_0_01003 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_03_0_01204 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_04_0_00779 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_04_0_01259 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_05_0_01010 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_06_0_00078 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_06_0_00125 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_06_0_00403 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_06_0_00415 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_06_0_00669 Informant: Rasmus Holgersen
Story: DSnr_04_0_00117 Informant: Pedersen H
Story: DSnr_04_0_00122 Informant: Pedersen H
Story: DSnr_04_0_00184 Informant: Pedersen H
Story: DSnr_04_0_00841 Informant: Pedersen H
Story: DSnr_04_0_00847 Informant: Pedersen H
Story: DSnr_04_0_00855 Informant: Pedersen H
Story: DSnr_04_0_00856 Informant: Pedersen H
Story: DSnr_04_0_00912 Informant: Pedersen H
Story: DSnr_06_0_00641 Informant: Pedersen H

PHP error happened

Technical information
Error type2
Error descriptionUndefined array key "linkdata"
Error file/srv/www/html/dfl2db/templates_c/%%56^56D^56DAE87F%%place_view.htm.php
Error line82
SQL querySELECT place_id, name, lat, lon, topo_index, county_id, physical_place_id, concat(lat, 'N') as latitude, concat(lon, 'E') as longitude FROM geo_places WHERE 1=1 AND geo_places.place_id="3853"