Place Brundby Samsø, 55.83257606N 10.591399224E

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Basic information
Name Brundby Samsø
Latitude (N) 55.83257606
Longitude (E) 10.591399224
Topographical index 351
Geographically identical places Lindholm
Gl. Brattingsborg
Pilemark Samsø

Story, informant, and place data
Stories mentioning this place

Stories told here by informants Story: JAT_03_0_01605 Informant: Marie Poulsen
Story: DSnr_04_0_01184 Informant: Marie Poulsen
Story: JAH_03_0_00008 Informant: Marie Poulsen
Story: JAT_03_0_00233 Informant: Marie Poulsen
Story: JAT_03_0_00458 Informant: Marie Poulsen
Story: JAT_03_0_01167 Informant: Marie Poulsen
Story: JAT_03_0_01233 Informant: Marie Poulsen
Story: JAT_03_0_01306 Informant: Marie Poulsen
Story: JAT_03_0_01541 Informant: Marie Poulsen
Story: JAT_05_0_00031 Informant: Marie Poulsen
Story: DSnr_01_0_00097 Informant: Jens Øster
Story: DS_01_0_00098 Informant: Jens Øster
Story: DS_01_0_01219 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: DS_01_0_01322 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: DS_02_H_00111 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: DS_03_0_01274 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: DS_03_0_02240 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: DS_04_0_01062 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: DS_04_0_01331 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: DS_04_0_02205 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: DS_05_0_00756 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: DS_05_0_00958 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: DS_05_0_02049 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: DS_05_0_02080 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: DS_07_0_00958 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: DSnr_01_0_00314 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: DSnr_03_0_01391 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: DSnr_04_0_01105 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: DSnr_04_0_01172 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: JAT_01_0_00263 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: JAT_01_0_01098 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: JAT_03_0_00659 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: JAT_03_0_00671 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: JAT_03_0_00687 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: JAT_03_0_00923 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: JAT_03_0_00924 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: JAT_06_0_01093 Informant: Frederik Poulsen
Story: DS_06_0_00414 Informant: Marie Povlsen

PHP error happened

Technical information
Error type2
Error descriptionUndefined array key "linkdata"
Error file/srv/www/html/dfl2db/templates_c/%%56^56D^56DAE87F%%place_view.htm.php
Error line82
SQL querySELECT place_id, name, lat, lon, topo_index, county_id, physical_place_id, concat(lat, 'N') as latitude, concat(lon, 'E') as longitude FROM geo_places WHERE 1=1 AND geo_places.place_id="4743"