Place Nørre-Beg Randers, 56.53635848N 9.820627711E

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Basic information
Name Nørre-Beg Randers
Latitude (N) 56.53635848
Longitude (E) 9.820627711
Topographical index 1759
Geographically identical places Nørballegård
Nørbegs bro
Nørbeg ved Faarup
Nørbeg ved Fårup
Nørbeg ved Randers

Story, informant, and place data
Stories mentioning this place

Stories told here by informants Story: DS_02_F_00028 Informant: Knud Andersen
Story: DS_04_0_01096 Informant: Knud Andersen
Story: DS_05_0_00197 Informant: Knud Andersen
Story: DS_05_0_00636 Informant: Knud Andersen
Story: DS_06_0_00421 Informant: Knud Andersen
Story: DS_06_0_00886 Informant: Knud Andersen
Story: DS_06_0_00945 Informant: Knud Andersen
Story: DS_07_0_00010 Informant: Knud Andersen
Story: DS_07_0_00782 Informant: Knud Andersen
Story: DSnr_02_G_00048 Informant: Knud Andersen
Story: JAT_01_0_01449 Informant: Knud Andersen
Story: JAT_03_0_01078 Informant: Knud Andersen
Story: JAT_03_0_01179 Informant: Knud Andersen
Story: JAT_03_0_01219 Informant: Knud Andersen
Story: DS_01_0_00081 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: DS_02_C_00007 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: DS_03_0_01175 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: DS_03_0_01419 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: DS_03_0_01809 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: DS_03_0_01994 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: DS_04_0_00088 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: DS_05_0_01981 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: DS_06_0_00983 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: DS_06_0_00984 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: DS_06_0_01070 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: DS_07_0_00106 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_01_0_00027 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_01_0_00028 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_01_0_00042 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_01_0_00046 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_01_0_00188 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_01_0_00294 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_02_0_00082 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_02_0_00086 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_02_0_00366 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_03_0_00110 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_03_0_00275 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_04_0_00172 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_04_0_00216 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_05_0_00273 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_05_0_00277 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_05_0_00526 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_05_0_00532 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_06_0_00186 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_06_0_00468 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_06_0_00588 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_06_0_00591 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_06_0_00624 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_06_0_00666 Informant: Knud Jørgensen
Story: JAH_05_0_00362 Informant: Niels Krist Kristensen Korner

PHP error happened

Technical information
Error type2
Error descriptionUndefined array key "linkdata"
Error file/srv/www/html/dfl2db/templates_c/%%56^56D^56DAE87F%%place_view.htm.php
Error line82
SQL querySELECT place_id, name, lat, lon, topo_index, county_id, physical_place_id, concat(lat, 'N') as latitude, concat(lon, 'E') as longitude FROM geo_places WHERE 1=1 AND geo_places.place_id="5309"