Place Brandstrup ved Viborg, 56.37366129N 9.577436889E

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Basic information
Name Brandstrup ved Viborg
Latitude (N) 56.37366129
Longitude (E) 9.577436889
Topographical index 1773
Geographically identical places Brandstrup
Skavn sø
Vindum Overgård
Fårup Rødkjær
Fårup Vindum
Fårup Vindum sogn

Story, informant, and place data
Stories mentioning this place

Stories told here by informants Story: DS_01_0_01400 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_01_0_00040 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_01_0_00051 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_01_0_00052 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_01_0_00055 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_01_0_00138 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_01_0_00141 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_01_0_00142 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_01_0_00144 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_01_0_00196 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_02_0_00001 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_02_0_00096 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_02_0_00126 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_02_0_00384 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_03_0_00199 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_03_0_00268 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_04_0_00001 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_04_0_00064 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_04_0_00287 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_05_0_00025 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_05_0_00045 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_05_0_00085 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_05_0_00089 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_05_0_00197 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_05_0_00248 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_05_0_00252 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_05_0_00253 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_05_0_00254 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_05_0_00533 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_06_0_00045 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_06_0_00080 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_06_0_00091 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_06_0_00486 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_06_0_00516 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_06_0_00533 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_06_0_00551 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_06_0_00561 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_06_0_00574 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: JAH_06_0_00729 Informant: Peder A Bjerregård
Story: DS_03_0_02271 Informant: Mads Eriksen
Story: DS_05_0_00291 Informant: Mads Eriksen
Story: DS_05_0_00577 Informant: Mads Eriksen
Story: DS_05_0_01762 Informant: Mads Eriksen
Story: JAH_02_0_00293 Informant: Mads Eriksen
Story: JAH_03_0_00132 Informant: Mads Eriksen
Story: JAH_06_0_00037 Informant: Mads Eriksen
Story: DSnr_04_0_00821 Informant: Ane Persine Sand
Story: JAH_06_0_00172 Informant: Ane Persine Sand

PHP error happened

Technical information
Error type2
Error descriptionUndefined array key "linkdata"
Error file/srv/www/html/dfl2db/templates_c/%%56^56D^56DAE87F%%place_view.htm.php
Error line82
SQL querySELECT place_id, name, lat, lon, topo_index, county_id, physical_place_id, concat(lat, 'N') as latitude, concat(lon, 'E') as longitude FROM geo_places WHERE 1=1 AND geo_places.place_id="5321"