Place V-Fiskbæk Gudum, 56.51842152N 8.465269174E

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Basic information
Name V-Fiskbæk Gudum
Latitude (N) 56.51842152
Longitude (E) 8.465269174
Topographical index 2422
Geographically identical places Gudum
Englands mose eller Angelands m.
Gudum kloster
Gudum Lemvig
Gudum ved Lemvig
Kloster Hedehus Gudum ved Lemvig
Surkjær Gudum ved Lemvig

Story, informant, and place data
Stories mentioning this place

Stories told here by informants Story: DS_01_0_00616 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_01_0_01282 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_01_0_01334 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_01_0_01335 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_02_E_00042 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_02_F_00045 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_02_G_00159 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_02_G_00193 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_02_G_00397 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_02_H_00259 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_02_J_00119 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_02_J_00401 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_03_0_00247 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_03_0_02394 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_03_0_02405 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_04_0_00169 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_04_0_00686 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_04_0_00808 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_05_0_00335 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_05_0_00348 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_05_0_01012 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_05_0_01210 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_05_0_01330 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_05_0_01379 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_05_0_01471 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_06_0_00442 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_06_0_00941 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_06_0_01249 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_07_0_00341 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_07_0_00541 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_07_0_00905 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_07_0_01015 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_07_0_01047 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_07_0_01095 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_07_0_01321 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_07_0_01387 Informant: K Kr Jensen
Story: DS_07_0_01403 Informant: Iver Kristian Jensen
Story: DSnr_06_0_00160 Informant: Iver Kristian Jensen

PHP error happened

Technical information
Error type2
Error descriptionUndefined array key "linkdata"
Error file/srv/www/html/dfl2db/templates_c/%%56^56D^56DAE87F%%place_view.htm.php
Error line82
SQL querySELECT place_id, name, lat, lon, topo_index, county_id, physical_place_id, concat(lat, 'N') as latitude, concat(lon, 'E') as longitude FROM geo_places WHERE 1=1 AND geo_places.place_id="5765"