Place Veerst Kolding, 55.55835913N 9.244193269E

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Basic information
Name Veerst Kolding
Latitude (N) 55.55835913
Longitude (E) 9.244193269
Topographical index 2661
Geographically identical places Mørk sø
Veerst ved Kolding

Story, informant, and place data
Stories mentioning this place

Stories told here by informants Story: JAH_03_0_00260 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: DS_02_J_00311 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: DS_03_0_02274 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: DS_04_0_01795 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: DS_04_0_02167 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: DS_04_0_02183 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: DS_04_0_02188 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: DS_04_0_02259 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: DS_06_0_01007 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: DS_07_0_00804 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: DS_07_0_00848 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: DS_07_0_01481 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: DS_07_0_01690 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: JAH_05_0_00580 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: JAH_06_0_00303 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: JAT_01_0_00530 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: JAT_01_0_00581 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: JAT_01_0_00822 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: JAT_01_0_00923 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: JAT_01_0_01097 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: JAT_01_0_01204 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: JAT_03_0_00840 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: JAT_03_0_00884 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: JAT_03_0_00919 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: JAT_03_0_01056 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: JAT_03_0_01601 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: JAT_03_0_01637 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: JAT_03_0_01682 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: JAT_04_0_00276 Informant: Mette Marie Hansdatter
Story: DS_03_0_01780 Informant: N P Mortensen
Story: JAH_06_0_00350 Informant: N P Mortensen

PHP error happened

Technical information
Error type2
Error descriptionUndefined array key "linkdata"
Error file/srv/www/html/dfl2db/templates_c/%%56^56D^56DAE87F%%place_view.htm.php
Error line82
SQL querySELECT place_id, name, lat, lon, topo_index, county_id, physical_place_id, concat(lat, 'N') as latitude, concat(lon, 'E') as longitude FROM geo_places WHERE 1=1 AND geo_places.place_id="5934"