Place Lindholm, 55.773001N 11.816826E

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Basic information
Name Lindholm
Latitude (N) 55.773001
Longitude (E) 11.816826
Topographical index 101
Geographically identical places

Story, informant, and place data
Stories mentioning this place DSnr_02_K_00009

Stories told here by informants

PHP error happened

Technical information
Error type2
Error descriptionUndefined array key "linkdata"
Error file/srv/www/html/dfl2db/templates_c/%%56^56D^56DAE87F%%place_view.htm.php
Error line82
SQL querySELECT place_id, name, lat, lon, topo_index, county_id, physical_place_id, concat(lat, 'N') as latitude, concat(lon, 'E') as longitude FROM geo_places WHERE 1=1 AND geo_places.place_id="714"