Folklore Macroscope Tools

WitchHunter (Tangherlini and Broadwell 2015)

Devised for geo-semantic mapping and pattern discovery in geo-located folklore

GhostScope (Broadwell and Tangherlini 2015)

Conceptual mapping of storytellers' mental geographies

ElfYelp (Tangherlini and Broadwell 2015)

A tool for geo-topic modeling and exploration

The Danish Folklore Nexus (Tangherlini and Broadwell 2013)

A curated study environment, included with Danish Folktales, Legends, and Other Stories

NOTE: relies upon Adobe Flash, which is incompatible with modern web browsers.

ETKspace (Broadwell and Tangherlini 2014)

A faceted browsing interface to the full Evald Tang Kristensen corpus

NOTE: no longer online.